
Seacon API documentation

Field Definitions

Column Fieldname Description Rules Example
1 articleCode Customer Article Code string with max length of 35 characters Seacon-Example-Article
2 internalDescription Description of the Article string with max length of 30 characters Example Article used by Seacon
3 eanNumber EAN nummer Positive whole number with a max value of 9999999999999 8713500010166
4 stockUnit Stockkeeping unit Stock unit type, possible options are ea ct and pl ea
5 unitPackageCode1 possible package type Stock unit type, possible options are ea ct and pl pl
6 unitPackageCode2 possible package type Stock unit type, possible options are ea ct and pl ct
7 unitPackageCode3 possible package type Stock unit type, possible options are ea ct and pl  
8 unitPackageCode4 possible package type Stock unit type, possible options are ea ct and pl  
9 nettoWeight Net Article Weight in Kg Decimal positive number with a maximum of 999999.9999 with 4 fraction digits 1.000
10 languageCode Language Code used for description only these options are available: 1:Dutch,2:English,4:German 1
11 descriptionPart1 Fields for Article Description string with max length of 30 characters WMS voorbeeld artikel omschrij
12 descriptionPart2 Fields for Article Description string with max length of 30 characters ving in het Nederlands
13 descriptionPart3 Fields for Article Description string with max length of 30 characters descriptionPart3
14 descriptionPart4 Fields for Article Description string with max length of 30 characters descriptionPart4
15 packageCodeEAN EAN Code package Code string with max length of 2 characters ct
16 eanCode EAN Code Positive whole number with a max value of 99999999999999 8713500010166
  packagePattern We use 3 levels of packageing, ea (eaches),ct(cartons) and pl(pallets) starting with the smallest level These are not required, but nice to have  
17 packageCodeL1 Package code used for the package code, allowed values are ea ct pl ea
18 numberPerUnitL1 how many Articles for this package type Positive whole number with a max value of 999999 1
19 grossWeightPerUnitL1 Gross Weight in Kg for this package type Decimal number between -9999999999.999 and 9999999999.999 with 3 fraction digits 2.000
20 lengthL1 Length in meters for this package type Decimal positive number with a max value of 999.999 and 3 fraction digits in meters 0.100
21 widthL1 Width in meters for this package type Decimal positive number with a max value of 999.999 and 3 fraction digits in meters 0.200
22 heightL1 Height in meters for this package type Decimal positive number with a max value of 999.999 and 3 fraction digits in meters 0.150
23 packageCodeL2 Package code used for the package code, allowed values are ea ct pl ct
24 numberPerUnitL2 how many Articles for this package type Positive whole number with a max value of 999999 12
25 grossWeightPerUnitL2 Gross Weight in Kg for this package type Decimal number between -9999999999.999 and 9999999999.999 with 3 fraction digits 24.000
26 lengthL2 Length in meters for this package type Decimal positive number with a max value of 999.999 and 3 fraction digits in meters 0.500
27 widthL2 Width in meters for this package type Decimal positive number with a max value of 999.999 and 3 fraction digits in meters 0.250
28 heightL2 Height in meters for this package type Decimal positive number with a max value of 999.999 and 3 fraction digits in meters 0.400
29 packageCodeL3 Package code used for the package code, allowed values are ea ct pl pl
30 numberPerUnitL3 how many Articles for this package type Positive whole number with a max value of 999999 120
31 grossWeightPerUnitL3 Gross Weight in Kg for this package type Decimal number between -9999999999.999 and 9999999999.999 with 3 fraction digits 240.000
32 lengthL3 Length in meters for this package type Decimal positive number with a max value of 999.999 and 3 fraction digits in meters 1.200
33 widthL3 Width in meters for this package type Decimal positive number with a max value of 999.999 and 3 fraction digits in meters 0.800
34 heightL3 Height in meters for this package type Decimal positive number with a max value of 999.999 and 3 fraction digits in meters 1.600
  customGoodsCode   These are not required, but nice to have  
35 importTaricCode Import Taric code string with max length of 22 characters 1905905500701100000000
36 exportTaricCode Export Taric code string with max length of 22 characters 1905905500701100000000

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