
Seacon API documentation


SEACON API Documentation



Seacon prefers to have direct system-integration with its customers and suppliers. There are several options how we can do this. This document describes the technical details on how the integration can be done and what formats are preferred by Seacon.

Integration - Method of data transfer

Seacon uses an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) to integrate systems. Using this ESB we can use various methods of communication. We can use the most common communication methodologies to get and send EDI data between Seacon and it’s customers. (E.g. ftp(s) / http(s) / soap / AS2 etc.).
Our preferred communication is POST-ing the data over http(s) through a Firewall-protected connection. Using this method, we can reply to the message as it is being sent that the content was accepted and communication has succeeded. For setting this up we will provide the customer with an endpoint where they can POST their messages to. as an extra security feature, only pre-specified ip addresses are allowed to post to the endpoint.
Exactly which method for communication will be used will be discussed with the customer or supplier on a case-by-case basis.

EDI Messages

Seacon can convert between various EDI formats (E.g. EDIFACT / csv / fixed length / xml). All Implementations require the files supplied by the second party to be mapped to the Seacon standard formats, this includes translations and conversions. (e.g. country codes, date formats, status messages, ect.) The time needed for mapping this depends on the complexity of the implementation and any limitations from the connection party’s systems. Since the ESB internally uses XML files, it is preferred to receive the customer files in that format to lessen the steps needed for translation.
It’s also possible to make use of the Seacon standard messages. These are described below.

New Customer Procedure

Seacon follows the following steps when connecting up new EDI connections with you, our customer or supplier.

  1. The Integration Engineer will discuss the types of messages to be set and the requirements for each message type.
  2. Both your and Seacon’s firewalls need to be configured to allow the required connections.
  3. Once the firewall changes have been implemented the connection can be tested using the Seacon Echo Service
  4. from this point on the Seacon Validator can be used to test the validity of xml messages generated by your system.
  5. after the connection has been successfully established we can then also test the actual integration with our backend system, Seacon has a test environment available where messages can be sent to for testing purposes. Seacon will provide test url’s where test messages can be sent to.
  6. after a successful testing phase and acceptance of both parties the messages may be sent to the Production url which will be provided.
  7. when transitioning from an existing communication method (email, fax, carrier pigeon or other method) we will maintain a short period of overlap where both methods will be used as an additional verification.

Seacon Standards (Customer to Seacon)

Shipment messages:

This is used to interface with the Seacon Transport and Oversea shipments. With this interface (truck) transport, sea freight (import and export) and airfreight orders can be booked. See attached xsd schemas and two example files.

Test with:

File Description
shipment-message-65101-flat.xsd Main Shipment message schema definition (flattened)
Basic Example File for a FTL Order
Basic Example File for a LTL Order
Basic Example File for a Rit with multiple addresses (this is a premium service)
shipment-complete-65101.xml Example File 2 (complete)
shipment-message-65101.xsd Original Shipment message schema definition
shipment-message-65101.xsd.html Original XML Schema Documentation
shipment-elements-65101.xsd Base type and element specifications
shipment-elements-65101.xsd.html XML Schema Documentation

CMS messages:

This is used to interface with the Seacon Warehousing orders. With this interface inbounds, outbounds and mutations can be booked. See attached the xsd schemas and an example file.

Test With:

File Description
cms-message-65101-flat.xsd Main CMS message schema definition (flattened)
cms-example-inbound-multiple-sku-example.xml Basic Example File for inbound order with multiple SKU
Basic Example File for one article
Basic Example File for multiple articles
Basic Example File for …
cms-65101.xml Example File 1 (basic)
cms-complete-65101.xml Example File 2 (complete)
cms-message-65101.xsd Original CMS (#TODO what is cms??) message schema definition
cms-message-65101.xsd.html Original XML Schema Documentation
cms-elements-65101.xsd Base type and element specifications
cms-elements-65101.xsd.html XML Schema Documentation

Article Masterdata messages:

If you prefer to use CSV, please go here.

This is used to interface with the Seacon article masterdata. With this interface WMS articles can be created in the Seacon systems. See attached xsd schema and example files.

Test With:

File Description
article-wms-message-65101-flat.xsd Main Article message schema definition (flattened)
Basic Example File for …
Basic Example File for …
Basic Example File for …
article-wms-65101.xml Example File 1 (basic)
article-wms-complete-65101.xml Example File 2 (complete)
article-wms-message-65101.xsd Original Main article message schema definition
article-wms-message-65101.xsd.html Original XML Schema Documentation
article-wms-elements-62401.xsd Base type and element specifications
article-wms-elements-62401.xsd.html XML Schema Documentation

Status messages:

This is used to update the Seacon system with tracking and tracing statuses.

Test With:

File Description
status-message-65101-flat.xsd Main Status message schema definition (flattened)
status-message-example-carrier-confirmation.xml Basic Example File for Carrier Confirmation Order received message
status-message-example-carrier-loaded.xml Basic Example File for Loaded Basic loaded at pickup location message
status-message-example-carrier-delivered.xml Basic Example File for Conform Delivery confirmation of normal delivery
status-message-example-carrier-nonconformity.xml Basic Example File for non-conform end of shipment unable to complete shipment as requested message see below for list of non-conformity codes
status-65101.xml Example File 1 (Basic)
status-complete-65101.xml Example File 2 (Complete)
status-message-65101.xsd Original status message schema definition
status-message-65101.xsd.html XML Schema Documentation
status-elements-65101.xsd Base type and element specifications
status-elements-65101.xsd.html XML Schema Documentation
Non-conformity codes
Code Description
NCL_005 Gremlins stole the Cargo #TODO set actual description

Seacon standards (Seacon to Customer/Supplier)

Shipment-out xml:

This is used to interface (outgoing) with the Seacon Transport and Oversea shipments. With this interface (truck) transport, sea freight (import and export) and air freight orders or updated order can be sent to other systems. See attached xsd schemas and two example files.

File Description
shipment-out-message-65101.xsd Original Shipment-out message schema definition
shipment-out-example-LTL-one-goodsline.xml Basic Example File for a LTL shipment for 3 Euro Pallets from NL to CH
Basic Example File for …
Basic Example File for …
shipment-out-message-65101.xsd.html XML Schema Documentation
shipment-out-elements-65101.xsd Base type and element specifications
shipment-out-elements-65101.xsd.html XML Schema Documentation
shipment-out-65101.xml Example File 1 (Basic)
shipment-out-complete-65101.xml Example File 2 (Complete)

CMS-out xml:

This is used to interface (outgoing) with the Seacon WMS orders. With this interface warehouse information about inbound, outbound an mutation orders can be sent to other systems . See attached xsd schemas and two example files.

File Description
cms-out-message-65101.xsd Original CMS-out message schema definition
Basic Example File for …
Basic Example File for …
Basic Example File for …
cms-example-outbound-multiple-sku-example.xml Basic Example File for Outgoing order with multiple SKU
cms-out-message-65101.xsd.html XML Schema Documentation
cms-out-elements-65101.xsd Base type and element specifications
cms-out-elements-65101.xsd.html XML Schema Documentation
cms-out-65101.xml Example File 1 (Basic)
cms-out-complete-65101.xml Example File 2 (Complete)

Status out xml:

This is used to interface (outgoing) with the Seacon system. With this interface tracking en tracing information and statuses of orders can be sent to other systems. See attached xsd schemas and two example files

File Description
status-out-message-65101.xsd Original status-out message schema definition
Basic Example File for …
Basic Example File for …
Basic Example File for …
status-out-message-65101.xsd.html XML Schema Documentation
status-out-elements-65101.xsd Base type and element specifications
status-out-elements-65101.xsd.html XML Schema Documentation
status-out-65101.xml Example File 1 (Basic)
status-out-complete-65101.xml Example File 2 (Complete)

Test information

How to test a XSD

xmllint --noout --schema status-flat.xsd status-complete-65101.xml

xmllint --schema status-flat.xsd status-complete-65101.xml

Validate with Seacon Validator

to Test the valid XML, post the xml to the Seacon Validator

Seacon Echo Service

To test your connection to the Seacon Webservice please POST a test file to the following URL.

Production server:
Unencrypted traffic

Encrypted traffic

Test server:
Unencrypted traffic

Encrypted traffic

Sample Commands

curl -X POST

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" --data "Hallo Seacon, dit is een test"

More information:

With every customer or supplier we will discuss what will be the most efficient way to connect the systems. It could be the usage of the “Seacon standard” files, but there are of course other options. We have a lot op options in connecting.

Contact information

For more information about EDI integrations you can contact:
Seacon Logistics B.V. - IT Department
Mark Vromans
Manager IT & Engineering
T: +31 7 327 5531
M: +31 6 20 40 1290
